A New Song

Do the birds know something I don’t yet know? I can hear it in their cheerful song. Never missing a sunrise. The opportunity to sing anew; to skip along linked arm in arm with a melody.

Not versed in scripture or reading, but need they be? In Psalms we read of new joy coming with the morning. Can the birds somehow feel it? Like, maybe somehow, the rising of the light feels differently than the setting? The feeling of warmth after night and darkness? A reminder of God’s faithful returning. The comfort of something staying the same?

Or is it the wake accompanied by full rejuvenation that urges them to sing? Something about rest followed by the still and quiet. A meeting with creation. A song so unexplainable, yet we feel it clear down to the happiest parts of us. The souvenirs we carry and keep from the garden. From a time where everything was new and our creator called it good.

“….weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” Psalm 30:5

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